Website Security Problems Page

The following are examples of problems you may face if your website has been hacked or infected by a virus.

Iframes found on the web
The virus has been able to enter your website by inserting an iframe, so we will be required to search both the PHP and HTML files. Generally, this is hidden and invisible to users.
Backdoor into the site
A backdoor is a script created by the hacker that allows access to the administrator’s panel without having to log in. It is often easily overlooked as it does not use normal web access.
Rejection of Google Ads for “Malicious or unwanted software”
Many site owners attempt to create ads on Google’s platform without knowing that their site has been infected by some form of virus or malware. During ad moderation, Google begins to suspect that you may be a victim of a Trojan, spyware, dialer, etc. and may block or reject that ad.
Redirection to another website. Mobile redirection.
This occurs upon entering a page, the user is redirected to another website which usually contains prohibited advertising or malicious software. We use redirection to configure all versions of the site or just the mobile version.
Website blocked by the hosting provider
This generally occurs when hosting rules are violated: malicious web code, phishing pages, spam from your site, etc.
Website blocked by Google due to the presence of a virus
Search engines, especially Google, often block websites that they suspect are under attack or contain malicious code.
Website blocked by Chrome due to the presence of a virus
Google’s browser can also block access to your website, deeming it malicious, by sending a message to anyone who tries to access your site.

The most advantageous way to solve these problems is to place your website in the hands of experienced professionals, like the ones you will find in our company. Since 2012, we have been learning and continuously improving our technology to combat viruses on our clients’ websites.

It all starts with a complete security audit of your website and once we find problems, we start tackling them. Don’t forget that we always provide a full report on all the work we have completed on your website.